Our Address:
8781 Sheridan Blvd Unit 6054, Westminster, CO 80003, United States
8781 Sheridan Blvd Unit 6054, Westminster, CO 80003, United States


Core Members Team's Insights

Discover insights from our esteemed team.

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David Mitchell

President (Founder)
We are not just investors; we are enablers. We believe in the power of innovation to create a better future. And we are here to support, guide, and empower the brilliant minds and bold ventures that are leading the way.
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Dilhan Pillay

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
In the realm of finance, transparency, accountability, and efficiency are paramount. Blockchain technology, for instance, is revolutionizing the way we conduct transactions, providing a secure and transparent ledger for all parties involved. This technology ensures that every transaction is traceable, reducing the risk of fraud and enhancing the integrity of financial systems.
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Kelvin Khoo

Regional Director (APAC)
As the Market Director for the Asia-Pacific region at Silicon Hills Apex Foundation, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of fintech. We are committed to fostering a financial ecosystem that is inclusive, innovative, and sustainable. We are investing in fintech startups and initiatives that align with our mission, nurturing them to become leaders in their respective fields.
8781 Sheridan Blvd Unit 6054, Westminster, CO 80003, United States