Our Address:
8781 Sheridan Blvd Unit 6054, Westminster, CO 80003, United States
8781 Sheridan Blvd Unit 6054, Westminster, CO 80003, United States

Seaverse by Apex

Seaverse by Apex
Project details
  • Product:Seaverse by Apex
  • Date:Q2 2024
  • Tag:Metaverse, Blockchain, Play-to-Earn

Seaverse by Apex

The Seaverse is part of the All Universe ecosystem, a metaverse that integrates digital and real-world experiences. It emphasizes creating market liquidity and profitability through digital assets and a variety of asset packages. In this virtual kingdom, participants can engage in activities across various sectors such as socializing, education, healthcare, arts, and real estate, using virtual identities. The UNV token serves as the main medium of exchange within this ecosystem, promoting a prosperous development across multiple domains.

Governance by UNV token holders
Ecosystem for virtual-real world fusion in a metaverse kingdom
Participation across multiple sectors (socializing, education, healthcare, arts, real estate)
Unique token economy with UNV as the main exchange medium
Play-to-earn opportunities in the metaverse
Decentralized finance and NFT integration for unique identity and ownership
Economic relationships fostering through token usage in virtual goods, land trading, and cross-domain projects
8781 Sheridan Blvd Unit 6054, Westminster, CO 80003, United States